How Life Events Affect Your Insurance Needs
As we go through the different stages of life, from infancy to adulthood, our wants and needs change and so do our financial needs and responsibilities. During our transition to adulthood, we tend to only think about ourselves and the present whereas as we age our goals and thoughts change. What becomes more valuable is […]
The Role of Beneficiary Designations in Life Insurance Policies
Having a life insurance policy is the most effective way to safeguard your loved ones financially, in case you were to pass away unexpectedly. It is one of the stepping stones of a sound financial plan. A death benefit isn’t paid out automatically and that is why the role of beneficiary designation is of such […]
What Is The Process For Making a Life Insurance Claim?
The sudden death of a loved one can be a devastating and tumultuous time for the aggrieved and thinking about filing a life insurance claim during this time can only add to those feelings of grief. However, beginning the process of making a life insurance claim shouldn’t be seen as a finality of what has […]
Are Life Insurance Proceeds Taxable?
Having a life insurance policy has almost become a necessity for Canadian families. It is now common practice for most Canadian companies to offer group life insurance as a benefits package to all their employees. As a result, nearly 80% of all Canadians have some form of life insurance, which for the most part, offers […]